Sorry for the silence over here. The summer came and went and here I am welcoming fall not with a pumpkin spiced Monster energy drink, but with another biopsy for this bladder cancer that doesn’t want to leave my body.
(Can’t say I really blame it, y’know?)
Although the season brought some fun projects to distract from this inevitable act, I can’t say this staticky feeling that’s hung over me for the past few months has left. The act of healing only to have another wall of my bladder blowtorched three months later is a merry-go-round that gets zero stars in my review. It affects my writing (obviously) well-being and helps maintain this unshakable feeling I’ve felt forever that the only luck I got is bad.
Now that I’ve given you that sob story, let me axe a favor of you.
If you still need a copy of any of my books, please consider picking one up directly from me. I will sign it and throw in extra crap to make it worth your while. You can order all three for $60 ppd in the USA. If you’re just ordering one, the price would be $25 ppd. The No Idols website is temporarily shut down, so please use PayPal or Venmo. Paypal is trettman@hotmail.com Venmo is Tony-Rettman
Any help is appreciated. Hopefully some actual content will appear in the new season. We will see.
Thanks — TR