You HATE Middle America. Haha.

Also, my band opened this show , and as you indicated we were very pumped to play with an ex-Merel band.

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Quite the contrary. I wrote a whole book about the Midwest HC scene. Dick Bowser for Prez!

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Oh I know I own and love the book and even purchased some limited goodies from you in regards to the book.

That’s just the impression the tour diary gives me, which could just be in regards to basement hc/punk/emo of the time which I myself have a bit of a conflicted relationship with.

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I think my bad attitude permeated throughout the diary with no regard to location. Read the Olympia entry!

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These Rye recollections are great. Would be even better though if you made it all up recently.

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If I made this all up recently, it would be more in the spirit of the Necros tour diary from Motorbooty...not this vanilla-as-hell 'content'.

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